There is a way that seems right unto man, but in the end has no life. We know that prayer is communication with God through Christ Jesus. This session will give you key points ramping up your prayers.
The LOGOS Fellowship is a Multicultural, Inter-Denominational Ministry. Our goal is providing the tools and resources that build multi- dimensional relationships within our communities that please God.
The Ministry has a Global mandate to Advance the Kingdom of God through Knowledge of how it operates. This requires in depth study and a desire to learn as much as we can about our Heavenly Father. Knowing what pleases God is our desire. Know what pleases the Father, is our ultimate desire.
Utilizing innovative strategies such as the Placing People In Positions of Destiny©, Ministry Development Training & The Church Training Platform; The LOGOS Fellowship is positioned to bring evident manifestation of the God’s Government, His Purpose for Earth Residents & how we can fulfill our destiny through knowledge of His Will for our lives.
The Logos Fellowship
575 Sigman Rd, NE
Conyers, GA 30013
(770) 648-7013
Website: https://thelogosfellowship.com
Email: thelogosfellowship@gmail.com
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