Android DVR details

From the DVR page if you click on the thumbnail or on the title of a DVR file, you will land on the DVR details page:

1. Here you can view the thumbnail of the DVR file

2. Here you can view the title of the DVR file

3. Here you can view the channel to which the DVR file belongs

4. Here you can view the date when the DVR file was recorded

5. Here you can view the length of the DVR file

6. Here you can view the description of the DVR file

7.  Click here to watch the DVR file

8.  Click here to delete the DVR file from your account. Once deleted the DVR file cannot be recovered

9.  On this list you can view other recorded programs (other DVR files)

10.  Here you can view how many files are on the Other Recorded Programs list


If you have clicked on Watch button, the video player will open in full screen of the TV:

1. Here you can watch the stream of the DVR video

2. From here you can Pause/Play the DVR video feed

3. Click here to replay the DVR video – the video will start playing from the beginning

4. Here you can view the current play time of the DVR video

5. Here you can view the total length of the DVR video

6. This is the time progress bar of the DVR video